Thursday, October 25, 2012

Emanuel Steward

When I woke this morning I looked on to see if anything has happened in Boxing since last night. I usually do that, wake up and check my SB Nation app. I seen a story about legendary trainer  and analyst Emanuel Steward's death. After texting a few people that care about Boxing about it, I see an update to the story that Steward's family is stating he is still alive. So I get back on twitter and I see a tweet from Andy Lee. Lee is currently trained by Steward. The tweet said that Steward's sister informed him that she is by Emanuel's side and he is seriously ill but is still fighting strong. A report from WXYZ CH. 7 in Detroit is shared mentioning the Steward family disheartened by the reports of his death. It has been a roller coaster ride trying to keep up with the series of events. Early in the a.m. Wladimir Klitschko (another fighter trained by Steward) posted a statement on Facebook about Steward's death and posted a black and white image of the two. A few hours later, both items are removed from the site leading to speculation he is still alive. Well I'm under the impression Steward is still alive, and am glad to hear that. I hope to soon hear him on HBO talking about this day and his fight to stay alive and beat the 10 count.

When I initially read the news, I was heartbroken. I immediately started thinking about all the fights I have heard with him on commentary.

Then the ninth round of Micky Ward-Arturo Gatti I, instantly popped in my head. I could hear Steward screaming at Ward to keep attacking Gatti's body after Ward hurt him early in the "Greatest Round in the History of Boxing".

Here is what Steward said during the round:

"This is it, it's not like a head punch." - After Ward dropped Gatti with a wicked left hook to the bod
"And Ward is going to go back down there again. Right to the body again." - After Gatti beat the 10 count.
"He's (Gatti) is still hurt from the body punch, in addition to the head" - As Ward is throwing combinations staggering Gatti.
"But Ward should go back to the body again!" - Gatti is rallying back into the fight with pure heart and wiillingness to fight.
"Now, Gatti is trying to get a break, Ward should go back to the body.... That's where he needs to go! GO TO THE BODY!" - After Gatti wore himself out from throwing and Ward starts to get his punches in, most notably to the body.
"You know, you dream of fights like this. But very seldom do they live up to the expectations, but this is even more than you could dream of." - As the men exchange blows with 30 seconds left.
"And Ward is tired, and here comes Gatti back!" - In the final 10 seconds of the fight as Gatti rallies back
"This should be the round of the century."  As the men walk to their corners at the finale of the greatest round I've seen as a Boxing fan.

This moment stood out to me like no other, I remember watching this fight and specifically telling my dad, Jim Lampley and Emanuel Steward are giving this fight so much more feel to it with their emotions.
Often times we take things for granted. We don't realize what it would be like to lose something we love. In this case it was the voice of Steward on HBO. He has been a staple in my home on Saturday nights and late at night when I watch old fights on YouTube because I would rather watch Boxing than sleep.

Take a moment and think about the blessings of being alive. Cherish everything and those you love. Tomorrow isn't promised to us. If it was, life wouldn't be such an interesting journey.

- Jose

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